This Saturday, my brother and I went duck hunting (at least as close as we can get to duck hunting in Virginia) with a friend on Lake Anna. We arrived at the lake well before daylight, and headed to a small island just below the power plant. We anchored the boat up as close to the island as we could, set out decoys (2 dozen goose floaters, a dozen bufflehead floaters, and 3 bluebill floaters). We had a drake bufflehead swim in to the decoys just after daylight, my brother shot it but it still managed to get up and fly to a boat dock where we couldn't pursue it (he short stroked the gun trying to make a follow up shot). Three buffleheads swam in after that, on my brother's side of the boat, what it came down to was 5 empty hulls and 3 buffleheads laughing at us from the safe cove with all of the boat docks in it. We got out of the boat to moved the bufflehead decoys closer, and the next 3 that cooperated died. We had a single goose, that we assumed was crippled, swim in to about 45 yards and decide that he didn't like the looks of our spread, he turned around and swam back to where he came from. We also had a flock of about 15 (geese) pass over without looking at the decoys, we guessed they were going out to feed. Our hunt was cut short at about 9:30 when out of the blue, a bolt of lightning struck less than a quarter mile away from us. We quickly threw the decoys in the boat and motored back to the ramp! On our way back in, I was surprised to see many rafts of buffleheads and possibly other divers in the middle of the lake. So my plan is to go back in my kayak after I camo it with burlap, and try to hunt some divers and possibly geese. We'll see how it goes! Thanks for reading.
(all 3 of our buffleheads were not-so-attractive hens and I was too embarrassed to take a picture of them to post!)