Thursday, September 5, 2013

Opening Day of Dove Season

   This Monday, my brothers, my dad, my uncle, and two other hunters headed out to a cut cornfield to do some dove hunting. We arrived at 11:15 to ensure a spot on the power lines, but were shocked to see hunters already occupying the spots. We set up on the edges of some standing corn, and hoped for the best. The hunters on the power lines were steadily getting shots at doves, but not one of them could hit one. It was a real shame to see them sit there all day in the best spot on the field and shoot at high birds, missing close birds, and even not noticing when a bird decoyed on the power lines right above their heads! But I guess it was a learning experience for them. We picked off the lone birds here and there, they would pass over my brother and I, looking at the MOJO, giving us enough time to take a shot. I had brought down 5 birds by the time they really started flying. At around 4:00, the doves really started rolling through. This meant that even though the people on the power lines were having more shots than us, we had enough birds passing over to keep us happy. This day happened to be one of my "on" days, and I bagged a limit of birds in about an hour once the action had picked up, then sat back to watch everyone else shoot, as well as taking down any pigeons that came within range. My brother also got his limit. We ended the day with 42 birds between the 4 of us (my two brothers, my dad and I), mostly doves, but about 6 of them were pigeons. I am not sure about how everyone with us did in terms of actual totals, but we all got lots of shots and brought down plenty of birds. Thanks for reading!
We have already eaten half of them!

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