We had been watching a cattle pond for a few weeks before the migratory season opened up here in Virginia, and it was getting hammered by geese consistantly every day between 9:45 and 10:30. We slept in (a hunting luxury) and arrived at 8:00, set up decoys, and settled into some mud and sparse reeds. After about 30 minutes or so, we decoyed a single, and after 7 shots, he coasted down into the field 100 yards away, we all cracked up, because that was just awful shooting, and goose hunting isn't a high-stakes thing, so laughing is "allowed". Might I add that I didn't have a safe shot untill he was 60 yards away or so I shot hoping I would get a lucky bb in him, ya never know and I thought the goose was going to check out so it was a last ditch effort (this happened because I was repositioning decoys when it came in, doing anything except being prepared is better than the best decoys, best calls, and best men behind the calls, I don't care who you are, birds will decoy when you aren't prepared.). We had a group of 5 or 6 birds decoy, and someone jumped the gun and shot when birds were out of range, so we only killed 3.
Some time later, we were standing around in a group, about to pack it in, whe 3 birds began circling. My dad said "guys, DON'T move!" we all did our best to stand still, but after the 3rd circle the geese did, we were all in tears of laughter, because here were 6 of us standing up in 2" of grass 30 yards from out decoys, and the birds were coming in. I think we killed one of those birds, it was difficult to get out of the huddle and start shooting haha. Well one guy left and his son stayed with us, and pretty soon we had 10 birds decoy, and killed 4. We really needed to get our act together, we were missing like crazy. We were almost ready to call it a day, when we heard the mother lode we had been waiting for, coming in. We sat still for what seemed like eternity, the geese were circling and circling....and circling...and circling. Finally one birds sat down and was followed by around 50 others. Once we had 50 in range on the water, we opened up fire. For all of you that say water swatting is unsportsmanlike, I'll have you know that it is legal, and that only one bird was shot on the water in this group, with video footage to prove it, youtube video will be up shortly. After all the madness, we counted 11 birds, and 8 empty hulls, looks like we made up for all of our missing with some "ammo conservation". And after further review, the ruling on the field was incorrect, my friend hunting with us sent 3 inches of BB black cloud straight into the pond, pulling the trigger before he was on the birds, so it was 11 birds in 7 shots. But excitement gets the best of all of us. And after those birds left, a confused single came in, we thought we were limited out so we let it land and fly away, but as it was flying away, I saw a very rare event that isn't witnessed my many, he smacked into a power line and fell straight out of the sky! After counting our birds, we realized we were two short, so my brother went over to finish that bird, but it got up and flew back to the pond. He should've known not to give the Minor boys a second chance, Ewing smoked him with the Mossberg 20 guage. We ended up with 17/18 birds we could've shot on a 6 man limit. Thanks for reading!
Here they are... Special thanks to my awesome Lab Walt, he did a lot of work that day, including bringing back 2 Canadas at once haha.
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