Sunday, December 16, 2012

Not-So-Successful Goose Hunt

      On Saturday, I went goose hunting with my dad, my brothers, and one of my brothers friends. We set up before daylight on a pond that has been used by 200-300 or so geese for a couple weeks, but unfortunately they decided to roost there so when we showed up, we had  to run them off, and that was the reason the birds wouldn't commit to our decoys. We saw at least 300 birds, but only got 2 in gun range, and killed them both. We got to witness bunches and bunches of geese repeatedly circle the decoys, and then slowly gain altitude and head out after around 5 "laps" around us. We learned a lot though, something that always happens each time we go hunting, no matter how many times we may have done it before. We know that the geese want to come to a field bordering the pond so seeing decoys beside and in the pond just didn't seem right. We also learned that one of the reasons they wouldn't commit is because we didn't run them off the place the night before hunting. Thanks for reading!
My brothers friend Alex with his fist goose, taken with a youth 870 20 guage.

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